Taber Wear and Abrasion Testers. To determine the wear resistance of all kinds of structures including metals, paints, plated surfaces, coated materials, textiles, leather and rubber. Using the X pattern of abrasion produced by a rotary action of abrasive wheels. Equipped with a full range of auxiliary weights, specimen holders, abrasive wheels and vacuum unit, fitted with membrane keypad including a predetermined electronic counter. Single head and dual head models available.
Test objects: Luggage, carpet, cardboard, clothing, glass, plastic coatings, tile, metal coatings, paint, varnish, decorative sheets, high-pressure sheets, plastics, textiles, flexible floor mats, traffic paint, anodizing layer, blankets, electronic components, decorative plates, wax, label, leather, dental materials, car ornaments, resin, furniture, etc.
Abrasion wheel: CS-17 CS-10 H-18 H-22
Standards: ASTM D3514, D3885, D3886, AATCC 119 120,
FTMS 191 5300 5302, FORD EFB 15J2/BN 112-01